Art Fundraiser for Schools
Starting an art fundraiser to generate support for your school is now easier than ever.
Celebrate art and make fundraising a breeze with Print on Demand!
100% Free ยท Easy to Use
Meet Your Fundraising Goals Faster
No Upfront Costs
Start raising money for your school without investing your own finances. Make and start selling products for free.
Design Fast
Use our Mockup Generator to upload or create designs for your fundraiser. Take advantage of professional design tools and free graphics.
Sell Hassle-Free
Focus on art fundraising while we do the rest. Our Print Providers will print, package, and ship orders to your customers.
Create Your Own Custom Art for Fundraising!
Design Art for Your Fundraising Programs
From unique canvases to trendy apparel, discover how Printify’s diverse range of products can turn your artistic vision into a fantastic fundraiser.
Make your own designs or use school children’s artwork to create unique and meaningful pieces that resonate with your audience.
From striking gallery wraps to sophisticated matte canvases, check out our selection of quality wall art that’s perfect for your school art fundraiser, offering vibrant prints in crisp colors.
Go with comfortable unisex short-sleeve t-shirts, or add children’s artwork to a quality pair of sublimated socks.
Apparel products will bring your school fundraising ideas to life with style and purpose.
Dive into a world of creative possibilities with our collection of quality products, from kiss-cut stickers to button magnets, turning ordinary surfaces into vibrant expressions of support for your school fundraiser.
Start Your Sock Fundraiser Today
Launch a seamless and successful campaign with custom socks, making fundraising easy!
How to Create a Water Bottle Fundraiser With Printify
When considering art-based fundraising products, you can’t go wrong with reusable water bottles showcasing beautiful and fun student art.
After signing up, use Printify’s Print on Demand services to effortlessly create and sell custom products, making art fundraising a quick and seamless process.
Step 1
Choose a Product
Browse over 900 customizable products in our Product Catalog and choose the most suitable products for your art fundraiser.
When it comes to drinkware, we offer a variety of custom bottles and tumblers you can bring to teachers, kids, and their families.
Step 2
Add Your Design
Use our Mockup Generator to upload a child’s artwork or create your own designs with free graphics or the AI Image Generator.
Take advantage of our design tools to position, layer, and add text to your art and make quality products for your school fundraiser.
Step 3
Publish to Your Store
Share your fundraising products with the world by seamlessly publishing them to your online store.
We’ve set up automated integrations with some of the most popular sales channels like Etsy, eBay, Shopify, and Walmart.
Sell Your Products in Seconds
Discover the simplicity of selling without commission fees by launching your own Printify Pop-Up Store. Elevate your art fundraiser by generating funds through a unique store link.
Learn With Printify
From the best fundraising ideas to understanding how nonprofits make money, dive into a wealth of knowledge with Printify.
Check out our insightful blogs to launch successful school fundraising programs:
Business Tips & Ideas – 12 minute read
Capture the hearts and minds of your audience with these top 30 fundraising ideas for nonprofits, and raise funds for your cause.
Product Inspiration – 10 minute read
Check out the top 10 things to sell for fundraising that anyone can customize and raise money for a good cause.
eCommerce 101 – 7 minute read
A t-shirt fundraiser is a great way to raise money for your cause while awarding supporters with something practical and stylish.
Business Tips & Ideas – 6 minute read
Welcome to our list of the top 10 band fundraiser ideas for raising money, rallying existing supporters, and gaining new ones.
Art Fundraising Design Ideas
To launch a fantastic fundraiser, you’ll need more than just art-based fundraising products and a bunch of parents to sell them to.
You’ll also need to find the perfect design.
Children's Artwork
Turn to a child’s creativity for ideas and transform their imaginative and fun drawings into captivating designs.
Use your school fundraiser to offer children’s artwork to other students, teachers, and family members.
Capture the School Spirit
Celebrate the unique spirit of your school by incorporating school colors, mascot illustrations, or iconic symbols into your designs.
School-themed designs are a great way to raise money for an art program.
Can't Go Wrong With Nature
Choose visuals with trees, mountains, flowers, or animals for your art fundraising programs.
Incorporate children’s artwork or high-quality photography in your designs to appeal to a wide audience of supporters.
Check Out More Fundraising Products and Pages
Whether you’re a parent, school, organization, or class interested in hosting an art fundraiser, use our resources for the perfect opportunity to bring high-quality products to teachers, students, and their families.