Introducing – Our Brand New Bulk Price Editing Tool

Introducing – Our Brand New Bulk Price Editing Tool

Spend less time managing your product prices and save up to an hour every week with our new Bulk Price Editing Tool. 

Select all the products you want to adjust prices for, click on edit price, and add new prices or profit margins to all your chosen items at once. Simple, easy, efficient.

What's New?

Our new tool is accompanied by new features, designed to make your product management experience easier, faster, and more efficient.

  • Find the products you want to edit in seconds with our new filters. Sort them by the print provider, brand, or other criteria.
  • Update Price, Profit, or Profit Margin in bulk, like you would for individual listings.
Our Brand New Bulk Price Editing Tool Update


If you only wish to update prices, make sure to uncheck the Product Title, Description, and Mockups boxes. If you update any of this information on your store, but not on Printify, leaving these boxes checked will remove any data you entered via your sales channel.

  • As soon as you approve your changes, you’ll see a visual confirmation that your prices have been successfully updated

You will not be able to choose different prices for product variants (sizes and colors). Prices will be updated for all variants of the selected item. If you want to keep different prices for different variants, we recommend updating your Profit Margin, as it is measured in % and is the same for all variants.

What Stays the Same?

If you prefer changing through your prices one at a time, don’t worry, the Bulk Price Editing Tool doesn’t change your experience. It just adds options to it. The previous method of editing prices one by one will still be available. 

Locate My Products on your Printify account screen, choose the individual items and variants you want to edit, and manually change the price, profit, or profit margin for each one of them.

Why Edit Prices In Bulk?

  1. Save Time. Updating your prices in bulk rather than customizing prices one by one will save you time.  
  2. Experiment With Prices and Profits. Choosing the right price for your products can be tricky, especially for newcomers. Didn’t get the right price on your first try? No worries. Experimenting and changing prices is now easier than ever with our Bulk Price Editing Tool.
  3. Focus on Growing Your Brand. Manually changing every single price can be exhausting, time-consuming, and can lead to mistakes. Save time and focus on growing your business by updating prices in bulk.
  4. Promote Sales with Ease. Got a seasonal promotion or sale coming up? Put multiple items on sale all at once. Create promotions, discounts, and special offers in no time.
  5. Effortless  Price Change Updates. When print providers raise or reduce their current prices, updating yours is just as vital to make sure your customers get the same great experience and you don’t lose out on profits.

How to Use the Bulk Price Editing Tool

Bulk price editing is a simple process to update your prices, profits, or profit margins with only a few clicks. 

  1. Locate your Products. Go to your Printify account and click My Products to see a list of all your created items.
  2. Select your Products. Search by specific criteria, select all, or manually choose your preferred products for a price change.
  3. Upgrade your Prices. Click Edit Price and then choose what to upgrade – price, profit, or profit margin, for your selected products. (The pop-up will tell you how many products will be affected by the price change). 
  4. Confirm the Changes. Click Apply and a message will let you know that your prices have been successfully updated.
  5. Next, click on each individual product and make sure to uncheck the Product title, DescriptionMockups, and Tags boxes before publishing if you only wish to update prices. If you update any of this information on your store, but not on Printify, leaving these boxes checked will remove any data you entered via your sales channel.
  6. Publish the Updates. Click the Publish button in the upper-left corner of the page to update product price changes in your store.

Pricing Your Printify Products

Don’t forget that pricing your products is one of the most crucial steps to determining the success of your business. 

Price them too high and you will send your customers straight to competitors offering a better deal on similar items. Price them too low and risk losing profits. The key to success is choosing the correct prices and strategy.

Price your products right to establish yourself as a trustworthy seller with top-quality products and reasonable prices.

What to Consider When Setting a Price

  • Target Audience. Know your buyer personas and target customers. Who will buy your products? How will they consider your prices? What matters to them? 
  • Costs. Keep in mind all your expenses – both changing and constant. From fixed costs to advertising, platform fees, and other expenses. Cover them all to make a profit. 
  • Competitors. Research the existing market and competitors to see what they offer, their prices, and what products and price range people find acceptable.
  • Sales Channels. Deciding on where to sell your products will affect your costs, traffic, and marketing efforts. Choose from the best sites to sell online for success.
  • Pricing Strategies. Browse various pricing strategies and pick the best one that fits your business and vision. Find a list with explanations and examples here.

Summing Up

Merchant success is our success, so we really treasure your feedback and experience with our platform, offers, and processes. That’s why we made our new bulk price edit tool –  to help you save time and effort, allowing you to focus more on growing your business and audience.

Your ideas and suggestions for improvements are always welcome and appreciated. And in return – our Blog, YouTube channel, Help Center, and customer support agents are here to provide you with help, advice, guidance, and tips, 24/7. We play to win together! Strive for success with Printify.

Make It Happen Today!

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  1. Mike Kingscott
    April 12

    A great addition to this would be to add a specific financial amount to each product over all variants. You could have another tab/box for Price Adjustment, the user enters a financial adjustment (e.g. 2.50, or -1.75) and then that is applied to every variant of every selected product.

    I was thinking of coding this myself via the API…

    1. Ariel Summers
      May 17

      Hi Mike,

      Thank you for your suggestion, it means a lot!

  2. Renee
    April 10

    So very very frustrated. I’ve been messing with this all day with no resolve. I’ve tried to update my prices exactly how the instructions say and nothing will update them on my pop up store. It doesn’t matter if I try this one at a time or all at once. It will so the price updated in each product in printy but noting will update in my pop up store. I’m ready to throw my computer in the pool!

    1. Ariel Summers
      May 17

      Hi Renee,

      Make sure to tick “Colors, sizes, prices and SKUs” box before you republish your product. This will ensure that the specific details are synced with our Pop Up Store.

      In case the issue still persists, please reach out to our support team.

  3. Attila
    October 3

    Hi – After I bulk edit the prices (increasing % profit) and then bulk publish to my Shopify store, the prices do not get updated. However, if I publish the items individually as usual with the changed prices, they update instantly on my Shopify store. Any suggestions for getting the bulk publishing to Shopify work for me?

    1. Ariel Summers
      October 3

      Hi Attila,
      Did you select the “Colors, sizes, prices, and SKUs” box before publishing in bulk? This could be one of the reasons why the prices did not update. However, bulk publishing may take a little longer than individual publishing, so please give it a bit more time. If these didn’t help, please reach out to our support team and they will investigate this further.

  4. Lesley Edgar
    July 27

    It would be useful to be able to update prices only. It’s a problem to include updating prices with updating variations because in Woo commerce I include variations in our filter bar that are not default variations. For example – Design type. When republishing the price, the attributes in woo commerce are overwritten which is a major problem. I would also like to know how to edit prices of published listings when more than one variation is involved.

    1. Florence Kingsley
      July 28

      Hi there Lesley,
      It is possible to choose which details you want to update. Please see here. In case you need any help, feel free to get in touch with our Merchant Support team and they will gladly answer any questions you might have. 🙂

  5. Michael
    April 28

    I have canvases of different variants within one product. How do I bulk edit an individual size variant for a list of canvases? I don’t want to open up 400 individual products to change them one at a time… But I am afraid that I cannot edit the variants otherwise.

    For example, a 48×32 price $400 is fine. But I want to change a 16×20 in the same canvas to a lower price, and have it change all the 16x20s in the complete product list. How do I do that?

    1. Florence Kingsley
      May 10

      Hi there Michael!
      There doesn’t seem to be a way to edit specific variants for multiple products in bulk yet. For more detailed information, please reach out to our Merchant Support team here.

  6. Betel Assane Gaspard
    February 21

    Merci pour l’orientation sur la vente de produits.

  7. Maria E. Sucre
    July 31

    Printify is doing great !, congratulations!!!
    As long as Printify listens, understands and offers solutions, success will be easier … for everyone ?

    1. Martha Simmons
      August 1

      Hi Maria,
      Thank you for your feedback and kind words! We always hear out our merchants and consider all suggestions and feedback, that may improve our services and make our merchants’ lives easier.

  8. Simon
    July 30

    Hi – this is not showing up as an option for me in my products – what do I need to do in order to make this work? Thanks

    1. Martha Simmons
      August 1

      Hi Simon,
      You can find more detailed instructions here. If any other assistance is necessary, do not hesitate to reach out to our support team via the live chat on our website.


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