Mockup Generator Now Supports Emojis and Multi-Language
You asked, and we listened. Printify is delighted to announce that our Mockup Generator now supports new languages and emojis.
That means you’ll be able to express yourself more freely and communicate with your customers in their language – expanding into new markets or simply being more playful.
Express More With Emojis
Did you know the global Emoji count grew to almost 3,500 in mid-2023? Additionally, 92% of internet users use them to make conversations more fun and convey thoughts and feelings better.
Pick from a wide selection of about 850 emojis on the Mockup Generator, or use the ones in the built-in sets. When using a smartphone or tablet, select the emojis as usual, and the Mockup Generator will apply the matching ones from its own collection.
The emoji can be printed on a product or included in packaging inserts.
Due to licensing, it’s not possible to use Apple's proprietary emojis.
More Freedom With Multi-Language Support
We’ve also added multi-lingual support for the Mockup Generator, allowing you to add graphic assets with text in different languages and character sets. This includes Japanese, Chinese, Hebrew, Greek, or Cyrillic.
With this new feature, you can enter worldwide markets and expand your reach within your niche. The potential is nearly limitless – references to manga in Japanese, cold-war themes with Cyrillic inscriptions, Bollywood references in Devanagari, scriptures in Hebrew and Greek – you name it.
Not all fonts support every language and character set, but we offer an extensive list to cover all needs.
We invite you to check the FAQ at the end of this article for a complete font list.
The Mockup Generator will show an error message if you try to type characters unsupported by the selected font.
When you click the font picker to select a suitable one, the Mockup Generator will automatically show only the fonts that support the specific character set you’re working with.
Design Without Limitations With Printify
How to Use the New Features
Open a product on the Mockup Generator and click Custom text. Type your text in your preferred language.
The Mockup Generator may show an error message. Don’t worry – if that happens, the default font (Roboto) doesn’t support the chosen language.
Click on the font selector, and only fonts supporting that language will appear.
Pick a font – and your text will be displayed correctly.
Don’t stop there. For more flavor and pizzaz, click the Emoji button, and choose one:
And there you have it – your custom shirt with new languages and emojis:
To Summarize
We hope you enjoy the new features of the Mockup Generator. We always strive to provide assistance on your eCommerce journey and make it more fun for you and your customers. Remember that your success is our success! So let’s excel at POD together.
FAQ – Font Subsets
Below is a complete list of font subsets currently supported in Printify, along with their corresponding font families.
Subset: Latin
Advent Pro, Alef, Alfa Slab One, Alice, ABeeZee, Abel, Actor, Abril Fatface, Acme, Adamina, Albert Sans, Abhaya Libre, Alegreya, Alegreya Sans SC, Alata, Alegreya Sans, Aleo, Alkatra, Alex Brush, Allerta Stencil, Allura, Amaranth, Archivo Black, Amatic SC, Amiri, Amita, Antic Slab, Anonymous Pro, Anek Bangla, Anton, Aoboshi One, Architects Daughter, Antonio, Archivo, Archivo Narrow, Arsenal, Arimo, Asap, Arvo, Barlow, Asap Condensed, Assistant, Athiti, Atma, Berkshire Swash, Audiowide, Black Han Sans, Black Ops One, Bai Jamjuree, Bad Script, Barlow Condensed, Bangers, Barlow Semi Condensed, Baskervville, Be Vietnam Pro, Bebas Neue, BenchNine, Bitter, Blinker, Cabin Sketch, Cardo, Boogaloo, Bree Serif, Bungee, Cabin Condensed, Cabin, Calistoga, Cairo, Cantarell, Carter One, Castoro, Catamaran, Caveat, Caveat Brush, Chakra Petch, Ceviche One, Changa, Cinzel Decorative, Changa One, Cherry Bomb One, Coiny, Chivo, Chokokutai, Cinzel, Comfortaa, Comic Neue, Commissioner, Concert One, Cookie, Cormorant, Cormorant Garamond, Courgette, Courier Prime, Cousine, Creepster, Crete Round, Crimson Pro, Crimson Text, Cuprum, DM Sans, Cutive, DM Serif Display, Dokdo, DM Serif Text, Damion, Dancing Script, Didact Gothic, Encode Sans Condensed, Encode Sans, Do Hyeon, Domine, EB Garamond, Dosis, Dongle, Fira Mono, Economica, Eczar, El Messiri, Electrolize, Exo, Faustina, Epilogue, Figtree, Fjalla One, Fira Sans, Fira Sans Condensed, Gajraj One, Gelasio, Fira Sans Extra Condensed, Francois One, Frank Ruhl Libre, Freckle Face, Grand Hotel, Fugaz One, Gugi, Galada, Gaegu, Glegoo, Gloria Hallelujah, Hahmlet, Handlee, Gochi Hand, Graduate, Gruppo, Gudea, Great Vibes, Hind Madurai, Hammersmith One, IBM Plex Sans Condensed, Heebo, Hind, Hind Siliguri, Hind Vadodara, Homemade Apple, IBM Plex Mono, IBM Plex Sans, Italianno, IBM Plex Sans Arabic, IBM Plex Serif, Inconsolata, Indie Flower, Inter, Istok Web, Inter Tight, Itim, JetBrains Mono, Josefin Sans, Josefin Slab, Jost, Julius Sans One, Jura, Kalam, Kanit, Karla, Karma, Kaushan Script, Khand, Krub, Khula, Kumbh Sans, Lexend Deca, Laila, Lalezar, Kosugi Maru, Lato, Lexend, League Spartan, Leckerli One, Liu Jian Mao Cao, Londrina Solid, Libre Baskerville, Libre Caslon Text, Libre Franklin, Lilita One, Literata, Lobster, Lobster Two, Lora, Long Cang, Luckiest Guy, Lusitana, Macondo, Mali, Ma Shan Zheng, Mada, Mandali, Marcellus, Merriweather, Manrope, Marck Script, Martel, Martel Sans, Maven Pro, Monda, Merienda, Montserrat, Mukta Malar, Merriweather Sans, Neucha, Mitr, Mina, Monomaniac One, Monoton, Montserrat Alternates, Mr Dafoe, Mukta, News Cycle, Mulish, Neuton, Niramit, Oswald, Nothing You Could Do, Noticia Text, Nunito, Noto Serif, Nunito Sans, Old Standard TT, Oleo Script, Open Sans, Orbitron, Outfit, Padauk, Overpass, PT Mono, Oxygen, Passion One, PT Sans, PT Sans Caption, PT Serif, Pacifico, PT Sans Narrow, Paytone One, Palanquin, Palette Mosaic, Parisienne, Pathway Gothic One, Playball, Patrick Hand, Play, Patua One, Playfair Display SC, Poiret One, Permanent Marker, Philosopher, Pinyon Script, Pragati Narrow, Playfair, Playfair Display, Public Sans, Plus Jakarta Sans, Quattrocento Sans, Pontano Sans, Prata, Rajdhani, Poppins, Readex Pro, Pridi, Princess Sofia, Prompt, Quattrocento, Quantico, Questrial, Quicksand, Raleway, Ramabhadra, Roboto Slab, Red Hat Display, Red Hat Text, Ropa Sans, Righteous, Roboto Condensed, Roboto, Ruda, Roboto Flex, Roboto Mono, Rock Salt, Roboto Serif, Rokkitt, Rowdies, Rubik, Rubik Mono One, Rufina, Russo One, Sacramento, Saira, Saira Condensed, Saira Stencil One, Shadows Into Light, Sansita, Sanchez, Sarabun, Satisfy, Sarala, Secular One, Sawarabi Mincho, Sawarabi Gothic, Sen, Share Tech Mono, Six Caps, Shrikhand, Sigmar One, Signika, Signika Negative, Sintony, Special Elite, Slackside One, Staatliches, Solitreo, Sora, Sorts Mill Goudy, Suez One, Source Code Pro, Space Grotesk, Tangerine, Space Mono, Taviraj, Spectral, Squada One, Sriracha, Tenor Sans, Tinos, Tillana, Stint Ultra Condensed, Titan One, Tajawal, Ubuntu Mono, Teko, Tiro Bangla, Titillium Web, Vollkorn, Tsukimi Rounded, Ubuntu, Ubuntu Condensed, Ultra, Yanone Kaffeesatz, Unica One, Unna, Unbounded, Urbanist, Yantramanav, Varela, Varela Round, Viga, Volkhov, Voltaire, Work Sans, Yatra One, ZCOOL XiaoWei, Yellowtail, Yuji Hentaigana Akari, Yuji Hentaigana Akebono, Yeseva One, ZCOOL KuaiLe, Zilla Slab, Zeyada, Zhi Mang Xing, ZCOOL QingKe HuangYou, Zen Maru Gothic
Subset: Latin-Ext
Advent Pro, Alfa Slab One, Alice, ABeeZee, Abril Fatface, Albert Sans, Abhaya Libre, Alegreya, Alegreya Sans SC, Alata, Alegreya Sans, Aleo, Alkatra, Alex Brush, Allura, Archivo Black, Amatic SC, Amiri, Amita, Anonymous Pro, Anek Bangla, Anton, Aoboshi One, Antonio, Archivo, Archivo Narrow, Arsenal, Arimo, Asap, Barlow, Asap Condensed, Assistant, Athiti, Atma, Berkshire Swash, Audiowide, Black Ops One, Bai Jamjuree, Barlow Condensed, Bangers, Barlow Semi Condensed, Baskervville, Be Vietnam Pro, Bebas Neue, BenchNine, Bitter, Blinker, Cardo, Bree Serif, Bungee, Cabin Condensed, Cabin, Calistoga, Cairo, Cantarell, Castoro, Catamaran, Caveat, Caveat Brush, Chakra Petch, Ceviche One, Changa, Cherry Bomb One, Coiny, Chivo, Chokokutai, Cinzel, Comfortaa, Commissioner, Concert One, Cormorant, Cormorant Garamond, Courgette, Courier Prime, Cousine, Crete Round, Crimson Pro, Crimson Text, Cuprum, DM Sans, Cutive, DM Serif Display, DM Serif Text, Dancing Script, Didact Gothic, Encode Sans Condensed, Encode Sans, Domine, EB Garamond, Dosis, Dongle, Fira Mono, Economica, Eczar, El Messiri, Exo, Faustina, Epilogue, Figtree, Fjalla One, Fira Sans, Fira Sans Condensed, Gajraj One, Gelasio, Fira Sans Extra Condensed, Francois One, Frank Ruhl Libre, Freckle Face, Grand Hotel, Glegoo, Hahmlet, Gruppo, Gudea, Great Vibes, Hind Madurai, Hammersmith One, IBM Plex Sans Condensed, Hind, Hind Siliguri, Hind Vadodara, IBM Plex Mono, IBM Plex Sans, Italianno, IBM Plex Sans Arabic, IBM Plex Serif, Inconsolata, Inter, Istok Web, Inter Tight, Itim, JetBrains Mono, Josefin Sans, Jost, Julius Sans One, Jura, Kalam, Kanit, Karla, Karma, Kaushan Script, Khand, Krub, Khula, Kumbh Sans, Lexend Deca, Laila, Lalezar, Kosugi Maru, Lato, Lexend, League Spartan, Libre Baskerville, Libre Caslon Text, Libre Franklin, Lilita One, Literata, Lobster, Lora, Mali, Mada, Marcellus, Merriweather, Manrope, Marck Script, Martel, Martel Sans, Maven Pro, Monda, Merienda, Montserrat, Mukta Malar, Merriweather Sans, Mitr, Mina, Monomaniac One, Montserrat Alternates, Mr Dafoe, Mukta, News Cycle, Mulish, Neuton, Niramit, Oswald, Noticia Text, Nunito, Noto Serif, Nunito Sans, Old Standard TT, Oleo Script, Open Sans, Outfit, Padauk, Overpass, PT Mono, Oxygen, Passion One, PT Sans, PT Sans Caption, PT Serif, Pacifico, PT Sans Narrow, Paytone One, Palanquin, Parisienne, Pathway Gothic One, Playball, Patrick Hand, Play, Playfair Display SC, Poiret One, Pinyon Script, Pragati Narrow, Playfair, Playfair Display, Public Sans, Plus Jakarta Sans, Quattrocento Sans, Pontano Sans, Rajdhani, Poppins, Readex Pro, Pridi, Princess Sofia, Prompt, Quattrocento, Questrial, Quicksand, Raleway, Roboto Slab, Red Hat Display, Red Hat Text, Ropa Sans, Righteous, Roboto Condensed, Roboto, Ruda, Roboto Flex, Roboto Mono, Roboto Serif, Rokkitt, Rowdies, Rubik, Rubik Mono One, Rufina, Russo One, Sacramento, Saira, Saira Condensed, Saira Stencil One, Sansita, Sanchez, Sarabun, Sarala, Secular One, Sawarabi Mincho, Sawarabi Gothic, Sen, Shrikhand, Sigmar One, Signika, Signika Negative, Sintony, Slackside One, Staatliches, Solitreo, Sora, Sorts Mill Goudy, Suez One, Source Code Pro, Space Grotesk, Space Mono, Taviraj, Spectral, Sriracha, Tenor Sans, Tinos, Tillana, Stint Ultra Condensed, Titan One, Ubuntu Mono, Teko, Tiro Bangla, Titillium Web, Vollkorn, Tsukimi Rounded, Ubuntu, Ubuntu Condensed, Yanone Kaffeesatz, Unica One, Unna, Unbounded, Urbanist, Yantramanav, Varela, Varela Round, Viga, Voltaire, Work Sans, Yatra One, Yuji Hentaigana Akari, Yuji Hentaigana Akebono, Yeseva One, Zilla Slab, Zen Maru Gothic
Subset: Cyrillic
Advent Pro, Alice, Alegreya, Alegreya Sans SC, Alegreya Sans, Amatic SC, Anonymous Pro, Arsenal, Arimo, Bad Script, Bitter, Caveat, Comfortaa, Commissioner, Cormorant, Cormorant Garamond, Cousine, Cuprum, Didact Gothic, EB Garamond, Fira Mono, El Messiri, Fira Sans, Fira Sans Condensed, Fira Sans Extra Condensed, IBM Plex Mono, IBM Plex Sans, IBM Plex Serif, Inter, Istok Web, Inter Tight, JetBrains Mono, Jost, Jura, Kosugi Maru, Literata, Lobster, Lora, Merriweather, Manrope, Marck Script, Montserrat, Neucha, Montserrat Alternates, Mulish, Oswald, Nunito, Noto Serif, Nunito Sans, Old Standard TT, Open Sans, Overpass, PT Mono, PT Sans, PT Sans Caption, PT Serif, Pacifico, PT Sans Narrow, Play, Playfair Display SC, Poiret One, Philosopher, Playfair, Playfair Display, Prata, Raleway, Roboto Slab, Roboto Condensed, Roboto, Ruda, Roboto Flex, Roboto Mono, Roboto Serif, Rubik, Rubik Mono One, Russo One, Sawarabi Gothic, Source Code Pro, Spectral, Tenor Sans, Tinos, Ubuntu Mono, Vollkorn, Ubuntu, Ubuntu Condensed, Yanone Kaffeesatz, Unbounded, Yeseva One, Zen Maru Gothic
Subset: Cyrillic-Ext
Advent Pro, Alice, Alegreya, Alegreya Sans SC, Alegreya Sans, Arsenal, Arimo, Black Ops One, Bitter, Caveat, Comfortaa, Commissioner, Cormorant, Cormorant Garamond, Cousine, Cuprum, Didact Gothic, EB Garamond, Fira Mono, Fjalla One, Fira Sans, Fira Sans Condensed, Fira Sans Extra Condensed, IBM Plex Sans Condensed, IBM Plex Mono, IBM Plex Sans, IBM Plex Sans Arabic, IBM Plex Serif, Inter, Istok Web, Inter Tight, JetBrains Mono, Jura, Literata, Lobster, Lora, Merriweather, Manrope, Montserrat, Merriweather Sans, Montserrat Alternates, Mulish, Oswald, Nunito, Noto Serif, Nunito Sans, Old Standard TT, Open Sans, Overpass, PT Mono, PT Sans, PT Sans Caption, PT Serif, Pacifico, PT Sans Narrow, Play, Philosopher, Playfair, Plus Jakarta Sans, Prata, Raleway, Roboto Slab, Roboto Condensed, Roboto, Roboto Flex, Roboto Mono, Roboto Serif, Rubik, Source Code Pro, Tinos, Ubuntu Mono, Vollkorn, Ubuntu, Ubuntu Condensed, Unbounded, Yeseva One
Subset: Greek
Advent Pro, Alegreya, Alegreya Sans SC, Alegreya Sans, Anonymous Pro, Arimo, Cardo, Comfortaa, Commissioner, Cousine, Didact Gothic, EB Garamond, Fira Mono, Eczar, Fira Sans, Fira Sans Condensed, Fira Sans Extra Condensed, IBM Plex Sans, Inter, Inter Tight, JetBrains Mono, Jura, Literata, Manrope, Noto Serif, Open Sans, Play, Roboto Slab, Roboto Condensed, Roboto, Roboto Flex, Roboto Mono, Source Code Pro, Tinos, Ubuntu Mono, Vollkorn, Ubuntu, Ubuntu Condensed, Zen Maru Gothic
Subset: Greek-Ext
Alegreya, Alegreya Sans SC, Alegreya Sans, Arimo, Cardo, Cousine, Didact Gothic, EB Garamond, Fira Mono, Eczar, Fira Sans, Fira Sans Condensed, Fira Sans Extra Condensed, Inter, Inter Tight, Jura, Literata, Noto Serif, Open Sans, Roboto Slab, Roboto Condensed, Roboto, Source Code Pro, Tinos, Ubuntu Mono, Ubuntu, Ubuntu Condensed
Subset: Hebrew
Alef, Amatic SC, Arimo, Assistant, Cousine, Frank Ruhl Libre, Heebo, Open Sans, Rubik, Secular One, Solitreo, Suez One, Tinos, Varela Round
Subset: Vietnamese
Alfa Slab One, Alegreya, Alegreya Sans SC, Alata, Alegreya Sans, Aleo, Alex Brush, Allura, Amatic SC, Anton, Archivo, Archivo Narrow, Arsenal, Arimo, Asap, Barlow, Asap Condensed, Athiti, Black Ops One, Bai Jamjuree, Barlow Condensed, Bangers, Barlow Semi Condensed, Be Vietnam Pro, Bitter, Bungee, Cabin Condensed, Cabin, Calistoga, Chakra Petch, Cherry Bomb One, Coiny, Chivo, Chokokutai, Comfortaa, Commissioner, Cormorant, Cormorant Garamond, Cousine, Crimson Pro, Crimson Text, Cuprum, Dancing Script, Encode Sans Condensed, Encode Sans, EB Garamond, Dosis, Dongle, Exo, Faustina, Epilogue, Fjalla One, Fira Sans, Fira Sans Condensed, Gelasio, Fira Sans Extra Condensed, Francois One, Hahmlet, Great Vibes, IBM Plex Sans Condensed, IBM Plex Mono, IBM Plex Sans, Italianno, IBM Plex Serif, Inconsolata, Inter, Inter Tight, Itim, JetBrains Mono, Josefin Sans, Jura, Kanit, Krub, Lexend Deca, Lalezar, Lexend, League Spartan, Libre Franklin, Literata, Lobster, Lora, Mali, Merriweather, Manrope, Maven Pro, Monda, Merienda, Montserrat, Merriweather Sans, Mitr, Montserrat Alternates, Mulish, Niramit, Oswald, Noticia Text, Nunito, Noto Serif, Nunito Sans, Old Standard TT, Open Sans, Overpass, Pacifico, Paytone One, Playball, Patrick Hand, Play, Playfair Display SC, Philosopher, Pinyon Script, Playfair, Playfair Display, Public Sans, Plus Jakarta Sans, Prata, Readex Pro, Pridi, Prompt, Questrial, Quicksand, Raleway, Roboto Slab, Roboto Condensed, Roboto, Ruda, Roboto Flex, Roboto Mono, Roboto Serif, Rokkitt, Rowdies, Saira, Saira Condensed, Saira Stencil One, Sarabun, Sawarabi Gothic, Sigmar One, Signika, Signika Negative, Source Code Pro, Space Grotesk, Space Mono, Taviraj, Spectral, Sriracha, Tinos, Vollkorn, Yanone Kaffeesatz, Unica One, Unbounded, Varela Round, Voltaire, Work Sans, Yeseva One
Subset: Chinese-Simplified
Liu Jian Mao Cao, Long Cang, Ma Shan Zheng, ZCOOL XiaoWei, ZCOOL KuaiLe, Zhi Mang Xing, ZCOOL QingKe HuangYou
Subset: Korean
Black Han Sans, Dokdo, Do Hyeon, Dongle, Gugi, Gaegu, Hahmlet
Subset: Japanese
Aoboshi One, Cherry Bomb One, Chokokutai, Kosugi Maru, Monomaniac One, Palette Mosaic, Sawarabi Mincho, Sawarabi Gothic, Slackside One, Tsukimi Rounded, Yuji Hentaigana Akari, Yuji Hentaigana Akebono, Zen Maru Gothic
Subset: Devanagari
Alkatra, Amita, Eczar, Gajraj One, Glegoo, Hind, Kalam, Karma, Khand, Khula, Laila, Martel, Martel Sans, Mukta, Palanquin, Pragati Narrow, Rajdhani, Poppins, Sarala, Tillana, Teko, Yantramanav, Yatra One
Subset: Bengali
Alkatra, Anek Bangla, Atma, Galada, Hind Siliguri, Mina, Tiro Bangla
Subset: Arabic
Almarai, Amiri, Cairo, Changa, El Messiri, IBM Plex Sans Arabic, Lalezar, Mada, Readex Pro, Tajawal
Subset: Thai
Athiti, Bai Jamjuree, Chakra Petch, Itim, Kanit, Krub, Mali, Mitr, Niramit, Pridi, Prompt, Sarabun, Taviraj, Sriracha
Subset: Tamil
Catamaran, Coiny, Hind Madurai, Mukta Malar
Subset: Telugu
Mandali, Ramabhadra
Subset: Gujarati
Hind Vadodara, Shrikhand
Subset: Myanmar
Subset: Sinhala
Abhaya Libre
Subset: Oriya
Subset: Kayah-li
Subset: Mathematical
Kumbh Sans
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Written by
Andris Mucenieks
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I like how it has a bunch of different Fonts and how it can support Emojis
please put punjabi language, with diffirent fonts please please
Hi there!
Thank you for your request. I’ve noted it and shared it with the team in charge. 🙂
Do the emojis come with full commercial license?
Hi there,
Yes, just please keep in mind that due to licensing, it’s not possible to use Apple’s proprietary emojis.
WHAT? NO SPANISH?? Come on guys!
Hi Kathryn,
Thank you for your request, I’ve passed it on to the responsible team 🙂