Printify Choice update center

Printify Choice automatically connects you with the best Print Provider, guaranteeing max savings on every order.

Catch up with the latest Choice updates and features below.

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Built for you

Using feedback from our merchants and insights from millions of orders, we created Printify Choice to tackle the biggest print-on-demand challenges with a single click.

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    Get every penny of profit

    Printify Choice gives you a flat-rate price that’s always the cheapest option in our catalog, ensuring maximum profit on every order.

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    Faster fulfillment

    Make sure your customers receive their orders as quickly as possible by allowing us to select the provider closest to them.

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    POD on easy mode

    Make the best choices right from the start and streamline your workflow for maximum profitability.

Built by you

Your feedback will always be essential in shaping Printify Choice.
Take a look at what’s been added, what’s coming next, and share your thoughts.

Put your business on auto-pilotprofit with Printify Choice

  • 10%
    up to 10% higher savings on every single order
  • 8%
    faster deliveries compared to non-Choice orders
  • 50%
    fewer complaints from end customers

Your opinion counts!

Share your feedback and thoughts on Printify Choice.

Always get the best price. Automatically.

Printify Choice FAQs

With Printify Choice, our merchants can trust that their orders will be placed with the best Print Provider based on data, ensuring they get the highest quality, fastest delivery, and most competitive prices available.

When a customer places an order, our smart algorithm takes care of the rest:

  • Printify Choice connects you to a network of the best providers without the need to manually adjust anything. Let us handle logistics while you focus on business strategy.
  • Printify Choice prioritizes Print Providers with higher CMX scores, ensuring that your customers receive the best prints, every time.
  • Printify Choice guarantees the same low price for your Choice order no matter what Print Provider fulfills the order, meaning you always get the best deal without the need to manually switch providers.
  • Printify Choice finds the Print Provider closest to your customer, speeding up delivery times and enhancing your customer experience.

If a Print Provider is out of stock on an item, Printify Choice will automatically assign your order to the next closest Print Provider that has the item in stock – without changing the price you pay. 

This way you can rest easy that orders will be fulfilled on time and your customers will get high-quality items without you having to lift a finger.

Printify Choice products are compatible with other Printify features, such as Packaging inserts and Gift messages. Some products also include neck labels as a print area, but not all of them. That being said, we do recommend you check the print area option for the specific product you’re interested in.

When you select Printify Choice as the fulfillment option, our platform will automatically choose the most suitable Print Provider from our network of top-quality providers, taking into account your customer’s location while charging you a flat production price.

However, specific Print Provider details will not be disclosed and may vary for each order or product fulfilled with Printify Choice.